
​The Finalized MozCon 2016 Agenda & Congratulations MozCon Ignite Speakers!

All the puzzle pieces have come together, and MozCon 2016 is ready to rock! Over the past week, I’ve had the pleasure of peeking at our speakers’ outlines, and I cannot wait. Whether you’re looking to for the latest SEO information, ready to tackle mobile’s biggest issues, wanting to push your content to 10x, or generally wanting to absorb everything online marketing, it’s going to be so good.

If you’re reading this post and remembering you haven’t bought your ticket yet, I’ll pause:

Buy your MozCon 2016 ticket!

Now let’s get to the good stuff:

The MozCon 2016 Agenda



Rand Fishkin

Welcome to MozCon 2016! with Rand Fishkin

Wizard of Moz

Rand Fishkin is the founder and former CEO of Moz, co-author of a pair of books on SEO, and co-founder of Rand’s an un-save-able addict of all things content, search, and social on the web.

Cara Harshman

Uplevel Your A/B Testing Skills with Cara Harshman

Content Marketer and Storyteller at

A/B testing is bread and butter for anyone who aspires to be a data-driven marketer. Cara will share stories about how testers, from one-person agencies to dedicated testing teams, are doing it, and how you can develop your own A/B testing expertise.

Cara Harshman just celebrated her four-year anniversary at Optimizely. Besides managing content strategy, customer case studies, and the blog, she has been known to spend a lot of time writing parody songs for company all-hands meetings.

AM Break

Lauren Vaccarello

The Big One: Relaunching Your Website with Lauren Vaccarello

VP of Marketing at Box

Change makes us all nervous, and relaunching an entire site can be both thrilling and daunting. Lauren will walk you through how to do it right, from infrastructure and content to design, information architecture, and marketing automation, and share real life triumphs and cautionary tales.

Lauren Vaccarello is a best-selling author and currently runs corporate and field marketing at Box.

Justine Jordan11:15–11:45am
The Hidden Talents of Email: Creating Customer-Centric Messages with Justine Jordan

VP Marketing at Litmus

Far from dead, email is a powerful workhorse that belongs in every marketer’s optimization toolkit. Justine will show you how to use email to deliver personal, 1-to-1, and contextually relevant messages that delight your subscribers and encourage engagement.

After mastering table-based layouts in college, Justine Jordan fell in love with the unruly art of email design back in 2007. Currently VP of Marketing at Litmus, Justine and her team are passionate about inspiring fellow marketers to create better email.

Rhea Drysdale11:45am–12:15pm
How to Do Reputation Marketing with Rhea Drysdale

CEO at Outspoken Media

Dig into the discipline of reputation marketing and strategy. Rhea will show you what the role of a reputation marketer looks like, what analytics to track, and why everyone should be investing in their organization’s reputation to diversify and reduce marketing spend and other high business costs.

Rhea Drysdale is the Co-Founder and CEO of Outspoken Media, a reputation marketing agency that offers custom solutions for difficult SEO, content, and reputation problems.


Joe Hall

Rethinking Information Architecture for SEO and Content Marketing with Joe Hall

SEO Consultant at Hall Analysis LLC

Information Architecture (IA) shapes the way we organize data, think about complex ideas, and build web sites. Joe will provide a new approach to IA for SEO and Content Marketing, based on actionable insights, that SEOs can extract from their own data sets.

Joe Hall is an executive SEO consultant focused on analyzing and informing the digital marketing strategies of select clients through high-level data analysis and SEO audits.

Talia Wolf

Breaking Patterns: How to Rewrite the CRO Playbook with Mobile Optimization with Talia Wolf

CMO at Banana Splash

Best practices lie. Talia shares how to build a mobile conversion optimization strategy and how to turn more mobile visitors into customers based on A/B testing their emotions, decision making process, and behavior.

As CMO at Banana-Splash and Founder of Conversioner, Talia Wolf helps businesses optimize their sites using emotional targeting, consumer psychology, and real-time data to generate more revenues, leads, and sales. Talia is a keynote speaker, author, and Harry Potter fan.

Rob Bucci02:50–03:20pm
Taking the Top Spot: How to Earn More Featured Snippets with Rob Bucci

CEO at STAT Search Analytics

Featured snippets (also known as “answer boxes”) are steadily appearing in the first organic SERP spot, providing big opportunities for SEOs able to snag them. Armed with the latest data and analysis, Rob Bucci will take you on a deep dive into the constantly evolving featured snippet and show you how to earn more for your site.

Coming from Vancouver, Canada, Rob Bucci is the CEO of STAT Search Analytics. He especially loves tackling big data challenges in data mining and analysis. When he isn’t doing that, you can find him splashing in the ocean, or taking cookies out of the oven.

PM Break

Ross Simmonds

Content Chaos: Building Your Brand through Constant Experiments with Ross Simmonds

Co-Founder at Crate

A look at how taking risks on content and making investments can work out in a big way for brands and marketers. Whether it’s Reddit, Slideshare, Quora, or Instagram, Ross shares some of the lessons he’s learned from a variety of different content experiments.

Ross Simmonds is a digital marketing consultant and entrepreneur. He’s worked with both startups and Fortune 500 companies and is the co-founder of two startups: Crate and Hustle & Grind.

Dana DiTomaso

Social Media: People First, “Rules” Second with Dana DiTomaso

Partner at Kick Point

You can follow all the “rules” about perfect post length, perfect time to post, perfect image size, and everything else and still not see any financial impact from social media. Dana doesn’t think social media should always revolve around community building and group hugs. When you show the right people what they want to see, when they want to see it, you’ll start attributing revenue increases to social media efforts.

Dana DiTomaso is a partner at Kick Point, where she applies marketing into strategies to grow clients’ businesses, in particular to ensure that digital and traditional play well together — separating real solutions from wastes of time (and budget).


Monday Night #MozCrawl

Catch the pub crawl on Monday night, details coming soon! You’ll be able to explore some of our favorite haunts and make some new friends. Spread across multiple bars, go at your own pace and visit the stops in any order. Each stop is sponsored by a trusted partner and one by us. You must bring your MozCon badge — for free drinks and light appetizers — and your US ID or passport. See you there!

Official MozCrawl stops and partners coming soon.



Dr. Pete Meyers

You Can’t Type a Concept: Why Keywords Still Matter with Dr. Pete Meyers

Marketing Scientist at Moz

Google is getting better every day at understanding intent and natural language, and the path between typing a search and getting a result is getting more winding. How often are queries interpreted, and how do we do keyword research for search engines that are beginning to understand concepts?

Dr. Pete Meyers is Marketing Scientist for Seattle-based Moz, where he works with marketing and data science on product research and data-driven content. He has spent the past four years building research tools to monitor Google, including the MozCast project.

Joanna Wiebe

How to Be Specific: From-The-Trenches Lessons in High-Converting Copy with Joanna Wiebe

Creator and Copywriter at Copy Hackers

Abstracted benefits, summarized value, and promise-free landing pages keep marketers safe — and conversion rates low. Joanna shares how and why your copy needs to get specific to move people to act.

The original conversion copywriter, Joanna Wiebe is the founder of Copy Hackers and Airstory. She’s optimized copy for Wistia, Buffer, Crazy Egg, Bounce Exchange, and Rainmaker, among others, and spoken at CTA Conf, Business of Software… and now MozCon.

AM Break

Samuel Scott10:55–11:15am
Server Log Files & Technical SEO Audits: What You Need to Know with Samuel Scott

Director of Marketing and Communications at

Server log files contain the only data that is 100% accurate in terms of how Google and other search engines crawl your website. Sam will show you what and where to check and what problems you may to need to fix to maximize your rankings and organic traffic.

Samuel Scott is a global marketing speaker and Director of Marketing and Communications for log analysis platform, as well as a contributor to TechCrunch and Moz.

Emma Still11:15–11:35am
Digital Marketing Skill Pivot: Recruiting New Talent with Emma Still

Marketing Lead at Seer Interactive

Torn between your marketing work and hiring? Emma shares how to take the skills you already have, flip them on their head, and find people to hire on your growing marketing teams. Spoiler: they’ve been under your nose the whole time.

Emma Still leads all Marketing efforts for Seer Interactive. Prior to that, she led a team of SEO professionals at Seer, where she leveraged her digital marketing skills to recruit team members to build stronger, more successful digital teams.

Alex Stein11:35–11:55am
Boost SEO Rankings by Removing Internal Links with Alex Stein

SEO Manager at Wayfair

Learn how to optimize internal link structure for an easy and surprisingly large SEO ranking wins. Alex will cover the math behind how authority flows through your site, how to evaluate links in your global navigation, common mistakes on CMSs, and other tactics to improve your site’s most important pages.

Alex Stein is currently SEO Manager at, an online home goods store. Follow him on Twitter @sonofadiplomat for all things SEO, and he is, in fact, the son of a diplomat.

Robyn Winner11:55am–12:15pm
Improve Your UX & SEO through Navigation Optimization with Robyn Winner

SEO Manager at Hornblower Cruises and Events

Learn the tactics for creating a navigation that increases your organic visibility, streamlines user experience, and boosts conversion rates as Robyn walks you through the most important steps to getting your navigation in order.

Robyn Winner is a passionate SEOer with a deep love for data analytics, user experience optimization, content strategy development, and her two adorable cats who fill her life with joy and fur… on everything.


Mike Ramsey

Local Projects to Boost Your Company and Career with Mike Ramsey

President at Nifty Marketing

Mike will walk through the projects that his individual team members took on to improve how they handled local links, reviews, reports, and lots of areas in between.

Mike Ramsey is the President of Nifty Marketing, which works with big brands and small businesses on digital marketing. He talks about running agencies, local search, and Idaho a lot.

Kristen Craft

Reimagining Customer Retention and Evangelism with Kristen Craft

Director of Business Development at Wistia

True customer loyalty and retention lies in the experience people have with your brand. Kristen will show you how to leverage video to optimize for experience, foster loyalty, lower churn, and create evangelists.

As Director of Business Development at Wistia, Kristen Craft loves working with Wistia’s partner community, building connections with other companies that care about video marketing. Kristen holds degrees in business and education from MIT and Harvard.

PM Break

Rebekah Cancino

Optimizing the Journey to Deliver Radically Relevant Experiences with Rebekah Cancino

Co-Founder and Content Strategy Consultant at Onward

How do you connect your search rankings to your long-term conversion rates? Customer journey mapping. Rebekah will show you how to bridge the gap between SEO, content, design, and UX with an effective framework your team can use to deliver radically relevant digital experiences when and where it matters most.

Rebekah Cancino spent the last decade helping clients, like Aetna and United Way, overcome some of their toughest content problems. Her consultancy offers workshops and training for in-house teams that bridge the gap between content, design, and technical SEO.

Wil Reynolds

Putting Trust into Domain Authority with Wil Reynolds

CEO/Founder at Seer Interactive

Domain Authority is a trust sentiment, not a pure numeric value. Wil will show real examples of sites that build authority and trust by understanding and then solving users’ problems. He’ll also give you practical ways to use Google SERPS to uncover the many ways to best solve these problem.

Wil Reynolds — Director of Strategy, Seer Interactive — founded Seer with a focus on doing great things for its clients, team, and the community. His passion for driving and analyzing the impact that a site’s traffic has on the company’s bottom line has shaped the SEO and digital marketing industries. Wil also actively supports the Covenant House.

Tuesday Night Networking: MozCon Ignite!

We’re thrilled to bring back MozCon Ignite: A networking and passion-talks event for attendees on Tuesday night from 7–10 pm at Marion Oliver McCaw Hall at Seattle Center. Here you’ll meet-and-greet your fellow Community members and hear them give five-minute talks about their hobbies and passion projects. Last year, we heard about everything from how to cook the perfect hot dog to what it’s like to lose your short-term memory. Leave that notebook in your hotel and settle in for some fun. Enjoy light appetizers, non-alcoholic drinks, and two alcoholic drink tickets on us. It’s going to be a blast! Speakers announced here.



Kindra Hall

The Irresistible Power of Strategic Storytelling with Kindra Hall

Strategic Storytelling Advisor at Kindra Hall

Whoever tells the best story wins. In marketing, in business, in life. Going beyond buzzwords, Kindra will reveal specific storytelling strategies to create great content and win customers without a fight.

Kindra Hall is a speaker, author, and storytelling advisor. She works with individuals and brands to help them capture attention by telling better stories.

Mike Arnesen

29 Advanced Google Tag Manager Tips Every Marketer Should Know with Mike Arnesen

Founder and CEO at UpBuild

Google Tag Manager is an incredibly powerful tool and one you’re likely not using to its full potential. Mike will deliver 29 rapid-fire tips that’ll empower you to overcome the tracking challenges of dynamic web apps, build user segments based on website interactions, scale the implementation of structured data, analyze the consumption of rich media, and much more.

Mike Arnesen has been driven by his passion for technical SEO, semantic search, website optimization, and company culture for over a decade. He is the Founder and CEO of UpBuild, a technical marketing agency focusing on SEO, analytics, and CRO.

AM Break

Tara Reed

Engineering-As-Marketing for Non-Engineers with Tara Reed

CEO at

Tara shares how to build useful tools like calculators, widgets, and micro-apps to acquire millions of new users, without writing a single line of code.

Tara Reed is a Detroit-based entrepreneur and founder of As a non-technical founder, she builds her own apps, widgets, and algorithms without writing a single line of code.

Kirsty Hulse12:25–12:55pm
Persuasion, Data, & Collaboration: Building Links in 2016 with Kirsty Hulse

Managing Director at Manyminds

Securing links can be tough, and it’s not about how creative or productive or smart we are, but how persuasive we are. Kirsty will walk you through how to get clients and managers to say yes to your best ideas, how to get interesting, affordable data, how to get experts to collaborate with you, and how to create outreach emails that compel people to cover your campaign.

Kirsty Hulse is the founder of Manyminds Digital, a digital marketing agency made entirely of expert, independent resource. With a decade’s experience, she has defined search strategies for some of the world’s leading brands.


Cindy Krum

Indexing on Fire: Google Firebase Native and Web App Indexing with Cindy Krum

CEO and Founder at MobileMoxie, LLC

In the future, app and web content will be indistinguishable, and Google’s new Firebase platform allows developers to use the same resources to build, market, and maintain apps on all devices, in one place. Cindy will outline how digital marketers can use Firebase to help drive indexing of native and web app content, including Deep Links, Dynamic Links, and Angular JS web apps.

Cindy Krum is the CEO and founder of MobileMoxie, LLC, and author of Mobile Marketing: Finding Your Customers No Matter Where They Are. She brings fresh and creative ideas to her clients, and regularly speaks at US and international digital marketing events.

Sarah Weise

Mind Games: Craft Killer Experiences with 7 Lessons from Cognitive Psychology with Sarah Weise

UX Director at Booz Allen Digital Interactive

How often are you asked to influence people to click a button? Buy a product? Stay on a page? We like to think of ourselves as logical, yet 95% of our decisions are unconscious. Sarah shares how to weave cognitive psychology concepts into your digital experiences. Steal these persuasive triggers to boost engagement, conversions, leads, and even delight.

Sarah Weise is UX Director at Booz Allen Digital Interactive. She has crafted experiences for hundreds of websites, apps, and products. Over the past decade, she has specialized in creative, lean ways to connect with customers and build experiences that matter.

PM Break

Rand Fishkin

Link Building’s Tipping Point with Rand Fishkin

Wizard of Moz

Links still move the needle — on rankings, traffic, reputation, and referrals. Yet, some SEOs have come to believe that if we “create great content,” links will just appear (and rankings will follow). Rand will dispel this myth and focus on how to build the architecture for a link strategy, alongside some hot new tools and tactics for link acquisition in 2016.

Rand Fishkin is the founder and former CEO of Moz, co-author of a pair of books on SEO, and co-founder of Rand’s an un-save-able addict of all things content, search, and social on the web.

Wednesday Night Bash

There ain’t no party like a Moz party! It’s true. We invite all MozCon attendees to join us on Wednesday night until midnight at the Garage for pool, photos, bowling, karaoke, and more. Let’s relax and celebrate with all the new friends we’ve made.

Buy your MozCon 2016 ticket!

Congratulations to our MozCon Ignite speakers!

MozCon Ignite is quickly becoming one of our favorite evening events. Trust me, you don’t want to miss this Tuesday night MozCon event where our community comes together to share ideas, heartwarming tales, hilarious fun, and more about their lives outside of business and marketing. All in 5-minute stories. If you don’t know what Ignite is, check out this 5-minute Ignite talk about what Ignite presentations are. This year, MozCon Ignite will be at McCaw Hall, home of the Seattle opera.

Our lineup (in alphanumerical order):

Adam MelsonHelp! I Can’t Stop Sweating – Hyperhidrosis with Adam Melson

Seer Interactive

With a love for all things digital, Adam Melson works for Seer Interactive as a team lead and has been there for over eight years. Outside of work, Adam loves running, hanging around his wife and baby, and sweats. A lot. Many people have a sweating problem. He’ll go into that problem and solutions for it.

Adrian VenderLife Lessons Learned as a Special Needs Parent with Adrian Vender

Internet Marketing Inc

Adrian Vender is a seasoned digital marketing and analytics consultant, currently acting as the Director of Analytics at IMI. Adrian has a passion for integrating technical solutions to marketing strategies to provide the best opportunity for campaign optimization. When Adrian decides to give up on working for the day, he can get lost in the world of Reddit or in quality family time.

Anneke Kurt GodlewskiHow Pieces of Paper Can Change Lives with Anneke Kurt Godlewski

Charles E. Boyk Law Offices, LLC

After traveling and studying abroad in the Netherlands, Anneke Kurt Godlewski settled in Toledo not only to be close to family, but also because northwest Ohio has the most interesting and compassionate people, which has helped her career in community-based marketing and PR.

Anneke has been called an excellent cook (she’s just a great recipe-reader!), and she loves to take photographs, read, write, and give. She’s also a freelance writer and currently working on a memoir called The Curvy Catholic, which chronicles keeping faith after bad dates, self-acceptance issues, and crazy motherhood.

Caitlin BorodenPrison and a Girl that Loves Puppies with Caitlin Boroden


Caitlin Boroden is a Senior Digital Marketing Strategist at DragonSearch in the beautiful Hudson Valley, NY. She is fascinated by SEO, photography, puppies, and has a slight addiction to Reddit.

Daisy QuakerEmbracing Fear, Potential Failure and Plain Ol’ Discomfort with Daisy Quaker


Daisy Quaker is an Online Marketing Manager at AMSOIL INC. She leads in-house SEO, online advertising, marketing automation, and lead nurturing efforts. She makes a mean curry and tries to get seven hours of sleep every night.

Ed FryA Plane Hacker’s Guide to Cheap *Luxury* Travel with Ed Fry

Ed Fry is a London-based marketer, employee #1 at, and has just joined as their first marketer. Outside of marketing, one of his favorite past times involves indulging in tea and scones at 35,000 feet.

Hannah CooleyEmbracing Awkward: The Tale of a 5′ 10″ 6th Grader with Hannah Cooley

Seer Interactive

Hannah Cooley is an SEO manager at Seer Interactive in San Diego. (Yes, she knows Wil Reynolds. No, she doesn’t have his personal phone number.) She may have been the most awkward 6th grader on earth, a phase that never quite went away.

Kevin SmytheHornets, Soba, & Friends: A Race in Japan with Kevin Smythe


Kevin Smythe is a trail runner based in Seattle. When not running in the mountains, he’s the controller at Moz, crunching numbers to provide balance to his life.

Lindsay Dayton LaShellWooly Bits: Exploring the Binary of Yarn with Lindsay Dayton LaShell

Diamond + Branch Marketing Group

Lindsay Dayton LaShell is an experienced digital marketer, content strategist, and the founder of Diamond + Branch Marketing Group. She wishes she had six arms so that she could drink beer, scritch her dog, answer email, and knit a sock at the same time.

Lisa HuntFinding Myself in Fiction: LGBTQUIA Stories with Lisa Hunt


Lisa Hunt is a Moz Helpster: the first to be hired outside of the U.S. and part of our small UK team. Before moving into support, she worked in retail as the manager of a bookshop. She was very disappointed to learn that they don’t teach you to read in your first year at primary school and insisted that her mum teach her instead.

Michael CottamIs Your Family Time for Sale? with Michael Cottam

Visual Itineraries

Michael Cottam is an independent SEO consultant from Bend, Oregon. Michael’s a full-time single dad of 9-year old Benjamin, and when not saving clients from the wrath and whim of Google, he takes Ben traveling around the world and exploring the great outdoors.

Nadya KhojaHow to Start an Underground Restaurant in Your Home with Nadya Khoja

Venngage Inc.

Nadya Khoja is the Director of Marketing for Venngage and online infographic maker. When she is not working on promoting the tool, she hosts trade-based dinner parties in her apartment in Toronto.

Sarah LivelyFlood Survival: Lessons from the Streets of ATL with Sarah Lively

Nebo Agency

Sarah Lively is a Senior SEO Specialist at Nebo Agency where she specializes in building online reputations and helping clients perfect their digital strategies. She is also considered to be an amateur meteorologist and spends most of her spare time studying rain patterns and hiding from storms.

Steve HammerHow a Cartoon Saved My Life with Steve Hammer


Steve Hammer is the co-founder and president of RankHammer, the 2015 US Search Awards small agency of the year. He’s best known for his love of Adwords scripts and eating better than most anyone in Internet marketing.

It’s going to be a blast! Thank you to everyone who tossed their hats in the ring. Seriously, it takes courage to try.

Hope to see you all at MozCon! Make sure to buy your ticket, as we sell out in advance every year.

Buy your MozCon 2016 ticket!

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